532.101 Key figures on groundwater by location and key figure since 1988
Mark your selections and choose between table on screen and file format. Marking tips

For variables marked Select at least one value you need to select at least one value

Year Select at least one value

Total 36 Selected


Location Select at least one value

Total 6 Selected


Key figure Select at least one value

Total 5 Selected


Number of selected data cells are:(maximum number allowed is 500 000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 10 000 rows and 100 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 500 000
Contact and information


°C, pH value, mg/l
Office of Statistics
Aeulestrasse 51
9490 Vaduz
T +423 236 68 76
Environmental statistics


The annual average for the locations is determined on the basis of four random samples.
'*': figure is not available or has been omitted for other reasons.
'-': Absolut zero.
'0' or '0.0': rounded zero (figure is less than half of the counting unit).
Further information on methods and quality (available in German only) Water 'Methodik & Qualität'. Definitions (available in English): Glossary.
Key figure
Temperature (annual average °C)
Quality target: According to the Office of Environment the temperature of groundwater should be < 15°C.
pH value (annual average)
Quality target: According to the Drinking Water Ordinance (LGBl. 2004 No. 217), the pH value should be between 6.5 and 9.5.
Nitrate concentration (annual average mg/l)
Quality target: According to the Water Framework Directive management plan of the Office of Environment, the nitrate concentration should be < 10 mg/l.
Nitrate concentration (annual maximum value mg/l)
Quality target: According to the Water Framework Directive management plan of the Office of Environment, the nitrate concentration should be < 10 mg/l.
Chloride concentration (annual average mg/l)
Quality target: According to the Water Protection Ordinance (LGBl. 1997 No. 42), the chloride concentration should be < 40 mg/l.